Sunday, September 27, 2009

Paint, Part Two

It took me three days, but I finally finished painting the living room. Then, of course, it took me another three days to put all the furniture back. But here it is, all pretty and clean and HGTV-ish.

And that's all I'm going to show you until I get the rest of the room cleaned up.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

As Seen On TV

I am a sucker for infomercials. I watch them when I can't sleep, or when I am bored, or when I am channel surfing.

That in itself is bad enough. But I get sucked in to the claims made and start thinking that I need whatever it is that is being advertised. Which is why yesterday morning, two of these suckers were delivered to my house (you can't get only one).

I tried one of them out last night. I wasn't blown away. I won't tell you how much I paid for the privilege of burning a one-inch patch of my forehead. I will say that, although my flat-iron straightens a bit better, the InStyler is much faster. I straightened half of my hair in about seven minutes. I would have done the rest but as I said, I burned myself, and because I was hormonal and had sort of an emotional day, I ended up crying after that and sort of gave up.

So if you've been sucked in by one of the amazing infomercials for the InStyler, and you thought to yourself that it looked simply too good to be true, don't bother ordering. Because it is too good to be true, and because I have an extra one I can give you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This color is called Rain Washed (Behr Premium Plus Ultra). I got a tester from Home Depot because, since I've watched so much HGTV these past few months I am dying to paint something.

My mother has agreed to "help" me paint the living room/dining room. I say "help" because she does not like painting and will mostly contribute by buying paint and rollers. I don't mind.

I had fun painting a patch with the tester. I wanted to keep going, but the whole wall isn't washed off, I had only a tiny brush, nothing was covered or out of the way, I was wearing normal clothing, and I have decided to go with semi-gloss instead of matte.

I painted my name because I was bored.

I think that's it for now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cleaning house

I haven't updated this blog in months. I could say that I haven't had time, but that would be a lie. I've had chances. I just haven't felt that I had anything I want to say. That's the problem with having nearly a dozen blogs. I run out of material.

I've updated Up To No Good plenty. That's my whining-things suck-snarky sort of blog. It's not terribly personal, except when I talk about my grief at my father's death. This blog was supposed to be the traditional, story-of-my-life sort of blog. The problem was that nothing was really happening in my life for a while. I was pregnant, unemployed, and bored. What was I supposed to write about? Playing video games? Feeding the birds in my backyard? My swollen feet?

But I've had a number of things happen lately and I feel like I need to write about them - or rather, the result of them.

I am cleaning house. Physically, mentally, digitally. I un-followed people on Twitter who aren't important to me. I went through my Facebook profile and deleted friend requests I was never going to approve, applications I no longer use, groups I don't care about, things I am a fan of that aren't important. I streamlined my profile. I changed my profile picture.

Box by box, book by book, I am cleaning up. Going through every single item I own. I intend to get rid of at least half of my belongings. I feel tied down by them. I have so many things I don't want, that I don't use, that I don't even remember that I have.

I think it's going to be terribly therapeutic. I've been watching HGTV a lot lately, and I want a pretty, simple home like the ones I've seen. And when a house is being staged or designed on HGTV, the first thing they do is clean out clutter. That will be me.

I am going to free myself of the physical, in the hopes that it will free me up mentally and emotionally and spiritually. I don't know how long it is going to take, but I'm not going to quit until I'm done.